What is disposable dental syringe?

 I. What is dental syringe?

Dental syringe is a kind of dental product that is usually used by dental professionals to inject liquid medicines like anesthetic before dental operation. Same as the structures of other ordinary medical syringes, the dental syringe is made up of breech-loading syringe and a sealed cartridge filled with liquid medicine. In addition, it must be used with matching dental needles to penetrate into the skin and finish the injection of liquid medicine.

After the preparation is done, dentists can start the dental treatment or procedures to cure patients’ illness. For instance, with the help of dental syringe, patients who get the anesthetic injected around treatment areas won’t feel pain during the entire dental operation. Then dentists can focus on their treatment or operation work without worrying about patients’ feeling. At the most extent, it ensures the success of dental treatment or operation.

Qualified dental syringes should be made of non-toxic material and resistant to heat and shock. The plunger should be smooth in movement without leakage of air or bubbling. The rubber gasket plunger tip is meant to guarantee the air tightness between plunger and tube. The scales marked on the body of dental syringe ensure the injection of precise amount of liquid medicine, which help dentists better control the dental procedures.

II. How does a dental syringe work?

The operating principle of dental syringe is a simple application of physics. As we know, there’s a plunger inside the tube of dental syringe. When dentists pull the plunger after immersing the needle into the liquid medicine, there will be much more space that appears inside the tube, but there’s little air in the much space. So the air pressure inside the tube is much smaller than that outside the tube. Therefore, the air pressure outside pushes the liquid medicine into the inside through the needle. 

III. Are all syringes disposable?

In the past, the medical environment is not as good as in modern society and dental products are not so many and always limited. Disposable dental products can’t be imagined at all.

Therefore, before the appearance of plastic disposable syringes, syringes are mainly made of glass or stainless steel for repeated. After sterilization, the syringes made of glass and stainless steel can be used again in medical procedures.

With the development of modern medicine, medical staff pay more attention to people’s hygiene. So disposable dental products like disposable plastic syringes are widely used for sake of cross contamination. For example, the injection of drugs and vaccines or the extraction of blood.

These disposable syringes are designed for on-shot injections and can be only used once. “Disposable” means these syringes should be disposed after being used once. Both syringe and needle must be disposed once they have been used.

It’s supposed to avoid the spread of disease and provide better infection control. 

IV. Types of Syringe Tips

There’re some types of dental syringes, like the one with straight tip and the one with curved tip. 


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