Business Types of Dental Industry in China

At present, there are three business models in China's dental service industry:

The first type refers to the mainstream, including large and medium-sized non-profit hospitals;

The second type refers to the individual dental clinic, which has a large number of clinics.

The third type refers to dental chain clinics with famous brand.  

The first type of large and medium-sized public hospitals occupies an absolute advantage in the scope of public medical insurance, but is limited by the present Chinese medical system. With a low degree of marketization, it develops slowly in China.

The second type of individual dental clinics mainly focuses on the low end of the dental market.

The third kind of dental medical chain institutes can not only build the trust of patients to doctors, but also provide opportunities for the establishment of new brands and even large-scale operation.    

From the perspective of market regional distribution, the main market of Chinese dentistry mainly exists in big cities, accounting for the vast majority of the dental market in China.  

Matching the proportion of regional market share, the start-ups in dentistry also presents a similar layout in recent years: large quantities of dental clinics come out in super big cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and relatively fewer dental clinics in the central China and western China. 

The economic rise of the central China and western China will promote the expansion of the oral treatment market in these two regions.  


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