Why manmade teeth are so expensive in China?

 Why are expensive artificial teeth so popular in China because Chinese suppliers are unable to produce high quality teeth?

At present, the most expensive dental implants as high as 80,000 RMB, the cost of three or four pieces can even buy a cheap BMW.

During the two sessions, a CPPCC member's speech in the oral medicine industry became the focus of online debate, once again triggered a variety of discussions about the dental industry "hot topic ".

The cost of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of RMB has long been a pain in the hearts of countless people. Many people have to endure, rather than spend "unfair money" to treat. Why is it so expensive? What are the little-known secrets behind "high prices "?

According to a previous report, Mr. Wang's teeth had fallen off 20 years ago because of family genetic diseases. She has been wearing old-fashioned movable dentures, but the two plastic plates that often slide into her mouth make her speechless. More awkwardly, as soon as she sneezed, her dentures flew out. Later, accompanied by his daughter, Mr. Wang went to Wuhan University Stomatology Hospital to plant teeth, a total of 14 teeth, 28 teeth, the cost of nearly 180000 RMB. "Now eat whatever you want. It doesn't matter if you eat hoofs or peanuts. But at the same time, she was saddened by her daughter's cost :" it costs 180,000 RMB to buy a car, and dental implants are really expensive." Actually, this is already the result of the doctor's "tight" budget.

According to Mr. Wang's specific situation, the doctor designed the piling scheme of 14 fixed dentures. If each pair of denture corresponds to a planting nail, although the installation is more stable, the cost will exceed 280,000 RMB. Industry insiders complain that the cost of tooth replacement is high, which actually means that implant teeth are too expensive, and the high price of implant teeth is related to the inability of China to produce good implant teeth. "

According to statistics, the number of dental implants used in China exceeded 110,000 in 2011, rising to more than 800,000 in 2014. However, more than 95% of implants are clinically monopolized by brands such as Switzerland, Germany and South Korea. A media survey found that the price of dental implants in public hospitals ranged from 6000 to 13000 RMB. Among them, the cost of implants accounts for a large part. There are three main grades of implants: Korea, Europe and the United States, Switzerland and Sweden. The price is 2000 RMB, 5000 RMB and 6000 RMB respectively. The price of the crown varies from 1000 RMB to 4000 RMB according to different materials. It is also argued that although high-quality implants are imported, intermediate links are the main cause of expensive tooth replacement.

Dental expenses consist of the brand effect of imported products, the fare increase of dealers, the income of dentists and other medical personnel, and the profits of hospitals. because the chain is too long, it is actually difficult to reduce the cost of teeth. The best strategy is to protect your teeth. 

Note: This article was originally posted on www.skycaredental.com. If any interest or need, you can visit this website directly. 


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