Overview of the Market Development of Chinese Dental Equipment Industry


According to the China Dental Equipment Market Research and Investment Outlook report (2017 Edition), with the improvement of residents' consumption level, the Chinese dental medical market is in a rapid development stage. Oral implant and orthodontics are the highlights of the development of the oral medical industry. These two industries not only have strong profitability, but also have a lot of room for development. With the development of dental implant and orthodontic services, doctors and patients are increasingly demanding dental imaging equipment. Oral CT machine will start a new round of equipment upgrade in the future.

According to statistics, the number of dental implants in China is only about 100,000 per year, while the number of dental implants in Italy with a population of only 60 million has reached 1.2 million per year. At present, the size of the Asian dental implant market is about 15-20% of the global market. Mainland China accounts for about 3% of the overall Asian market share and less than 1% of the global market share. At present, the dental implant penetration rate in developed countries in Europe and the United States is as high as 90%, while the dental implant penetration rate in China is less than 10%, and there is a huge market space for dental implant in China.

Orthodontic mainly refers to the tooth irregular, tooth shape abnormal dressing process, commonly known as wearing braces. The traditional braces are metal braces that turn into "steel teeth" when worn. After more than ten years of development, China's new generation of braces, invisible braces, had gradually occupied the market. Invisible brackets, as the name implies, are not easy to see. They are made of transparent material and do not become "steel teeth" when worn. At present, about 10% to 15% of patients in China use stealth appliances. Dental imaging equipment mainly includes: dental film machine, panoramic machine, CBCT (oral CT machine).

At present, the traditional imaging equipment in the world is dental film machine and panoramic machine, which is already a quite mature industry. Global dental x optical equipment market size of $2.24 billion in 2012 is expected to grow steadily at a compound growth rate of 5% over the next five years and reach $2.71 billion by 2017. Oral CT machines are expected to be the fastest growing product in the global dental systems and equipment market.   

Note: This article was originally posted on www.skycaredental.com. If any interest or need, you can visit this website directly.
